I work as a Graduate Research Assistant at the Mind Music Machine Lab at Virginia Tech. The Mind Music Machine (tri-M) Lab is a multidisciplinary research group based in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Computer Science at Virginia Tech and Cognitive Science and Computer Science at Michigan Tech. The lab is led by Dr. Myounghoon Jeon.
The research goal of the lab is understanding the mechanisms of the human mind and designing better interactions between people and technologies. I work mostly with Autonomous Driving (AV) research, while helping out on other projects. I work closely with the Nervteh driving simulator running SCANeR studio as well as the Tobii Pro 2 eye tracker among other tech. Below are some of my research projects.
My Master’s Thesis
Measuring the influence of anger on takeover performance for semi-autonomous vehicles.
This project aims to see if angry drivers perform differently when compared to non-angry drivers when they have to take over control of a semi-autonomous vehicle.
This study is a continuation of the “Taking over control in Automated Vehicles” project conducted at the Mind Music Machine Lab.
Advisor: Dr. Myounghoon Jeon
Year: 2019-2020
The Future Infotainment in Self Driving Cars
Automobile manufacturers have started to develop the technology that will enable the production of fully automated vehicles in near future. But, it is hard to know when we can use the fully automated vehicles in our daily lives.
Will entertainment stay the same? How will vehicles look from the inside if there are no steering wheels or pedals? This project’s aim was to help understand the current trends of self-driving car design and envision futuristic infotainment systems and the user experience in self driving cars.
We investigated user interface design trends in the industry and research in academia. We also explored user needs from young drivers and domain experts. With the help of building use case scnarios, interviews and focus groups, we suggested new design directions the self driving cars of the future.
This work will be presented at ACM CHI 2020 Extended Abstracts.
Collaborators: Dr. Seulchan Lee, Chihab Nadri
Advisor: Dr. Myounghoon Jeon
Year: 2019
Taking over control in Automated Vehicles
Vehicle automation is becoming more widespread. As automation increases, new opportunities and challenges have also emerged.
Among various new design problems, we aim to address new opportunities and directions of auditory interactions in highly automated vehicles to provide better driver user experience and to secure road safety.
Specifically, we are designing and evaluating multimodal displays for hand-over/take-over procedure. In this project, we collaborate with Kookmin University and Stanford University. This project is supported by the Korea Automobile Testing and Research Institute.
Collaborators: Dr. Jaka Sodnik, Sangjin Ko, Chihab Nadri, Kristina Stojmenova, Klemen Novak
Advisor: Dr. Myounghoon Jeon
Year: 2019
Conference Papers
Stojmenova, K., Sanghavi, H.,Nadri, C., Ko, S., Sodnik, J., & Jeon, M. (2020). Use of spatial sound notifications for takeover requests in semi-autonomous vehicles – a cross-cultural study. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2020) Bath, London, Plymouth United Kingdom, July 25-31.
Lee, S., Nadri, C., Sanghavi, H., & Jeon, M. (2020). Exploring user needs and design requirements in fully automated vehicles. ACM CHI Extended Abstracts Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), ACM Press, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 25-30.
Ko, S., Dong, J., Swaim, H., Nadri, C., Sanghavi, H., & Jeon, M. (2020). Robot-theater programs for different age groups to promote STEAM education and robotics research. Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI2020), Cambridge, UK, March 23-26.
Sanghavi, H. & Narlely, J. (2017, September). The role of geogaphic information system (GIS) in modern India. In 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2017). International Astronautical Federation, IAF.